Saturday, 18 February 2012

BipolarChatroom Blog6

Saturday 19th February 2012.

What I want to do with this Blog is include a load of 'Inspirational Quotes/Pictures' which all of us can relate to at some point in our journey, whether it be through Bi-Polar, Depression or just every-day 'life'.  They are very much trending at the moment and they can be wise, inspirational or just very much what is needed to the way you are feeling at that particular moment in your life.
They can make you re-think your life, your past, your present which will reflect on how your future pans out.  And they can turn your negativity into positivity!

We all wish this at some point through our journey.  We can think that it is never going to happen and that the unhappiness will never go away, but you may just surprise yourself at various times.  And sometimes it is the smallest things that either you or someone else does that can brighten your mood.

It may be a struggle to even contemplate doing something, especially if you are having a really bad day, you may feel exhausted, really stressed and depressed, but do something as simple as writing down the pattern of your moods on one particular day.  You can then compare it to future moods and you may be able to change your lifestyle around your moods for the better.  Even something as simple as going for a walk.  I don't really leave the house much, which I have discussed in previous Blogs, but I had to go to the Dr's today, and after that I went into Town and met my Sister for lunch.  That made me feel good when I got home. - I got out of the house and if I can build it up so it is more regular, I will have started to conquer the anxiety of leaving the house.

We can overcome our fears, whether it takes ten days, ten weeks, ten months or even ten years.  They are not walls meaning we can eventually climb over them, not needing a ladder or something even higher that can make it impossible to do so, and to do this we need courage, which is not the lack of fear but the succession of it.

To actually know and empathise with what somebody with Bi-Polar/Depression is going through, you will have had to go through it yourself.  You will have suffered, been defeated, struggled or even found your way out of your depths.  Only you will be able to appreciate what they have actually been through.  This gives you a sense of sensitivity and more of an understanding of life, filling you with compassion and concern, making you the 'beautiful' person you are and have been made into.  Obviously everybody else around you can have a sense of sympathy, which a lot of the time can be enough, but on a very few occasions 'empathy' from somebody is needed.

If you're having a bad day, don't 'beat yourself up about it'.  We all get bad days, although people with mental health issues will get more.  Don't take it out on yourself, this will make you feel even worse-more stressed, anxious or depressed which will not help.

With Bi-Polar/Depression, a sense of happiness can't be 'fixed' overnight.  You need to take baby steps, and if things get too tough to handle on your own, remind yourself the path wont be straight. Here are the rules :

  • It's ok to ask for help.
  • Don't try to do everything at once.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others.
  • Take time out to breathe.
  • Allow yourself to make mistakes.
  • Enjoy every moment!

It's easier to not let sadness win than to force happiness.  Try doing different things; going for walks, socialising with friends do a college course.  These will take your mind off the 'sadness', and in it's own time, you will begin to feel happier.

On the horizon each day there is hope as it shows you have got through the previous day and if today is just like yesterday, will it really be as bad as you imagined yesterday would be?

In life we will all take a fall, some more than others but to get ourselves out of it we need to climb ourselves out.  If you don't climb you will be living your whole life on the ground.  Where is the fun in that?  Surely there is no fun in living your whole life on the ground.

You have all probably felt like this :
  • Wondering why you are not good enough.
  • Spending so much time over analyzing and overreacting.
  • Wasting so much time putting yourself down.
  • Putting your head down and closing your heart.
I know I have.  If you do you'll miss the chance to see that the sun is shining and tomorrow is another day.  You are beautiful, and you are always good enough.  Don't ever forget that!

To begin to understand ourselves and see anything positive on the horizon we must all live in hope and be optimistic about ourselves.  If we don't live in hope, we would get nowhere.

Don't expect to 'win the fight' at the first battle because it can be a long drawn out fight, and because of this, don't be discouraged because of this.  Remember 'baby steps' at first until we have built up our confidence to stand on or own two feet and begin to walk and then run.  The first key won't open the door, it will take several attempts.  Don't be put off because of this!!

Each step you will take will have its knock backs.  Sometimes you will find you are going two steps forward and three steps back.  This may continue for a while.  But each time you make these positive steps, you are gradually moulding yourself into the person you will eventually become.  When you do arrive at the finish line and get your trophy you will realise your journey needed all those knock backs to get to where you are, and become the person you are today.

When you are having a bad day it is difficult to see past the blurred teary eyes, but life can be beautiful, life can be great.  Try and be positive and tell yourself you are worth it.  'I am not going to be beaten and let this illness win-I don't want the devil on my shoulder for the rest of my life'.  It's ironic me saying this as i'm no positive person, but we have to tell ourselves life is beautiful, life is sweet, let's live it to the full!!

The above statement is a perfect way to describe life, using a piano as a metaphor; the white keys resemble happiness and the black keys represent sadness, but as you go through life's journey, remember the black keys make music too.
We will always have happiness within our life at some point like we will always have sadness too.
When the piano makes music, the mixture of the two represents life. I like to see it as the white keys balance out the black keys.

You are never alone whilst going through your Bi-Polar/Depression.  There will always be somebody there for you.  A family member/friend even your Dr/Psychiatrist.  As I discussed in a previous Blog, make sure you have at least 1 person you can confide in.  We all need our very own 'soulmate' during our time of need.

Just because our past may not have been 'great' because of our suffering, it doesn't mean to say that our future will be the same.  We need to let go of what the past has moulded us into so we can become who we will be.

Depression can be like a caterpillar.  One day you are walking around, and to be quite honest they are not the prettiest of creatures, and the next day you can be transformed into a beautiful butterfly with stunning patterns of colours on your wings.  Never lose hope into today, as the moral of this is you never know what tomorrow will bring.

We all come in different shapes and sizes, but wouldn't life be boring if we all looked the same.  We all have our uniqueness.  Everybody is beautiful.

In life :-
  • Laugh often and much
  • Win the respect of intelligent people
  • Win the affection of children
  • Earn the appreciation of honest critics
  • Endure the betrayal of false friends
  • Appreciate beauty
  • Find the best in others
  • Leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch...
  • Know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived
This is to have SUCCEEDED!!

At the time, a lot of us are in denial with having a mental health illness, many people have certainly said that to me.  It's not until you have lived with it for a certain length of time that you realise you will have bad days and life isn't always a bunch of roses.  It's only then, accepting what we have, can we make sense of how we have been feeling.  Being in 'denial' can make the symptoms worse because you're brushing the whole thing under the carpet, which isn't healthy.

Never give up, no matter what people may say to you, no matter how many times you fail-keep going & don't quit.
Don't quit because a month from now you will be that much closer to your goal than you are now.
Yesterday we always say tomorrow.  We have to make 'today' count!

This is similar to an earlier quote.  Beautiful people do not just happen.  They need to have lived through rough times which have moulded them into the appreciative, sensitive and understanding people they are today.

This isn't saying giving somebody a lucky stuffed toy rid him of his depression/anxiety.  It's saying somebody made the effort to give him a present to cheer him up and because of this persons kind gesture, he is starting to feel much better.  You can help somebody with a mental illness like this.  Let them know you are thinking of them.  Send them some flowers.  Personalise a card for them.  Take them out for the day.  That is where the luck comes in as they are lucky to have somebody in their life that cares and has taken time out to make an effort.

The above says 'Take what you need'
  • Love
  • Hope
  • Faith
  • Patience
  • Courage
  • Understanding
  • Peace
  • Passion
  • Healing
  • Strength
  • Beauty
  • Freedom
They are all 'free' and each one goes a long way helping people on the road to recovery.

Be positive and start telling yourself this, and the most important thing is 'believing' this.

You may not think it at the time, but you won't always be feeling 'low' and in a 'dark' place all of the time.  No one is saying your Bi-Polar will disappear, but the symptoms can improve, and as I said in one of my last Blogs, you can also help yourself : Exercise, socialising & voluntary work to name a few.  Be positive!!

Don't be put off by the people in your life that are just not worth knowing; those who lie, cheat, stab you in the back, use you & don't love you.  You can't let these people stop you from living because for every bad person out there who isn't worth the time of day, there are people out there who do love you and would never hurt you.  Find these people and keep them in your life forever.

You may not think it at times, but you are stronger than you think, or let yourself think.  That's why you were given this life, you are special and strong enough to live it.  Don't ever underestimate yourself.

Don't let the past hold you back.  The future will be better than what we have been through.  We have just got to keep telling and reminding ourselves that.  Life is precious.  Live it to the full!

This world has a tendancy of kicking us when we are already down.  It is a wicked world.  But just remember one thing, nothing is permanent!

When we are feeling low and having a bad time, try to live in hope and not despair.  You might just find it helps and that things weren't actually as bad as you initially imagined!

I like the above one.  What it is saying is it is better to have a friend by your side, no matter what time of the day, than to be alone.

Everybody has had bad experiences in their life and have had dark places.  You may not know this about them.  It could be your best friend.  They can surprise, hurt & crack you.
But you are never alone, and never will be.

The above says it all basically.  You are a surviver and you should be proud of yourselves.

You don't need people in your life who try and belittle your ambitions in life.
You need the great people who make you feel that you , too, can become great.

Now this is one book you can take a 'peek' at the last page.  Everything is going to be ok if you believe in yourself and have the confidence to help yourself and move forward.

Life may not be all 'sunshine', 'rainbows' and the party that we hoped for, but it wouldn't do us any harm to dance whilst we've got the opportunity!  Life is precious!

Remember, there may be billions of us in this world, but we are all individuals and are all equals and matter just as much as the next person.

Not everybody may show it, but most people have their own battles in their life, they may just not choose to show it.  Remember the next persons problems to them are just as bad as yours or mine.    
Which is why we should all be kind to each other.

The things we do in life mould us and make us into the person we are today.  They include things we wish we had never done, things we wish we could replay a million times in our heads.
To reverse any of them, then we wouldn't be the person we are.
Live life, make mistakes, have wonderful memories, but never doubt who you are, where you have come from and most importantly, where it is you're going.

We can all lose our way sometimes in life.  Little problems turn into big problems & we can feel that we have all the problems of the world on our shoulders.  Remember one thing, we all have a purpose in life and were put on this earth for a reason!

I believe the statement above.  Kind hearted people who would do anything for anybody, or give them their last penny can, a lot of the time, be taken advantage of, and end up suffering as a consequence.  I've always been kind hearted and would do anything for anyone, but that didn't stop me being bullied most of my life.  I believe a lot of it is due to jealousy.

Life would be very boring if we all did the same, wore the same clothes etc.  Be the person who you are, don't let anybody change your individuality, that's what makes you unique.  Stay true to yourself.

Don't let your head control your life.  It will hold you back and try and stop you from going on. 
When you are exhausted enough you ought to stop.  Your limit is only reached when there is no further to go.

The pain that you are feeling should be turned into wisdom so you can have more of an understanding and realization of yourself.

Ok, you may have messed up, had it tough or done things you regret in the past, but compare it to a book.  It's a chapter that has been read.  We're now on a new chapter so don't close the book, just turn the page.

Don't beat yourself up about the mistakes you may have made.  Treat yourself as your own best friend rather than your own worst enemy.  Mistakes are just part of change.

Do you know what I think is 'beauty' in somebody.  The ones who have been through the toughest journeys in life and still manage to smile.

The above speaks for itself.  The only person that can do it is ourselves.  When we look back on our lives, we will see that was one of the best pieces of advise we were ever given.

Always stay true to yourself.  Never stop being you because that is what makes you different from the rest and unique.  We are all special, never stop believing that.

Everybody deserves the above statement.  And that should be a wish that everybody makes about each other, so we are all selfless.

Don't panic and give up at the first hurdle.  The alphabet has 26 letters.  A is only the first letter!!

Don't let other people judge you or define what they think your life is all about.  Be true and positive to yourself and describe yourself and your life.

Don't think your life is always going to be a slippery slope.  It does and will get better.  Believe in yourself.  Be optimistic about the future.

Rearrange the word IMPOSSIBLE to I'M POSSIBLE.  I think you've found your answer!

Some things in life simply can't be stopped, but you can adapt your life around them!

A beautiful prayer full of love and emotion.

We are all but the same...

Don't sell yourself short.  People are too quick to criticise themselves.  You are Braver,stronger and smarter than you give yourselves credit for.
There is always somebody on this earth that has a reason to smile about you, no matter how useless you may feel.

What is 'normal'?  Never stop being the person you have been moulded into.  Life would be very boring if we all changed who we are just to feel like we are being accepted in life.

Tell yourself you are enough.  Don't have any self doubts.  Love is a wonderful gift.  Shout if from a mountain high!

No one said life was going to be easy.  It doesn't come with a manuel.  We make the rules up as we go along.  But at the same time, life is the most beautiful thing.

Be determined in life.  Tell yourself you 'will' get through this obsticle.  Positive Mental Attitude.

You've got to love yourself in life if you want more than anything to move forward, staying calm at the same time.

Be kind to somebody.  It boosts self confidence and makes you feel good about yourself.  Whether it's visiting a lonely neighbour, buying a loved one flowers, visiting a sick friend..The list is endless.

Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, most of the time, and if I was to hear someone say that to me, I would feel 'special'.

Forget how you were feeling yesterday.  Today is a new day.  Do not dwell on the past, it only eats you up.

You may think things are always going to be bad because of the negative frame of mind you are in, but believe me, they aren't!  Tomorrow is another day, and you may just be surprised!

Courage isn't like a lion.  You can't hear it roaring.  Sometimes courage is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying 'Tomorrow is another day.  I will try again then'.

Life isn't always about being boring and sensible.  Take some risks in life.  You'll be happy if you win.  Losing will make you wiser.

Similar to a quote earlier.  If nothing ever changed, a catterpillar would never turn into a beautiful butterfly.  Don't see change as a bad thing.

Sometimes we need to go through a bad situation and lose our way before we can rectify that situation and realise who we really are.

Only you can path the way for your future.  You have the choice to say how you would like to see the last chapter pan out.  And all the chapters inbetween.

Don't look back on the past, the mistakes you have made or the suffering you have had in the past.  Just keep going.

If the past has bad memories, suffering and sadness, get rid of it and only live for today and the future.

Always tell yourself that you are worth something.  Worthlessness brings with it sadness.

Don't let others wipe the smile off your face.  If you're feeling happy let other people know.  Don't let them bring you down.

Don't think you are incapable of fitting in and go the extra mile by trying to, especially if you were born to stand out!  Be proud and show it!

Sometimes you don't always see what is staring you in the face, or you are frightened to, when all it is is something positive!

If we all did the above four pieces of advice, we would all be ourselves and happier.  Also the people we were aiming the above at would be happier too.

We will succeed in life when, and only when, we are confident, not wanting to be somebody else,  accept everything we are and also are not.

The journey we take in life, and the things we do along the way may only seem like little things at the time.  Later on in life when you look back you will realise those things that seemed little, moulded you into the person you became and were bigger than you once thought.

There is nothing wrong in being sad.  It is an emotion we were born with.  It's part of our makeup.  We are not robots, that's why it shows we are human.

Live your dreams.

Treat every day like a Friday!  People like Friday's because for a lot it's the end of their working week.  But we can still be happy during the week at work can't we?

Now this statement also refers to the one above it.  People don't really like Monday's because for a lot it's their first day back at work after the weekend.  Enjoy every day!

Everybody has a right to be on this earth.  No one more than others.  Just remember that when you have self-doubt.

Go one make somebody's day by doing something kind and spontanious for them.  You may even make your own day!  I love surprising others and being kind to them, it makes me feel happy.

Everything you have ever done in the past has brought you here to this very moment.  This is the moment you can choose to make everything new.  Now!

I know the above far too well.  Bringing yourself to smile after you have been crying.  But i'll tell you one thing, it's possible, and it really is a tonic!

No matter what life throws at us, life still goes on.  Sometimes we have to just go with the flow.

The above to me indicates there are 2 things broken, but if they both work together they can again be whole.  It's the same with 2 people with a mental illness helping each other out, and discussing their problems and, not necessarily mending them, but making a constructive effort to feeling better.  Nothing better than empathising with somebody else.

Not everybody in life would fit into a fairytale, because of their imperfections.  But, who is perfect?  I bet it is more people than you would ever imagine!

Memorise the second paragraph.  It is so true.  It is what makes you, not material things.

The moment you accept 'everything' about yourself is the moment you can move on.  No need for any apologies or regrets.

Live life and live life well.

We can see the beauty in butterflies wings through our human eyes, but they don't know the colour of their own wings.  The same can be said for humans.  We don't know how good we are.  Others tell us we are special.

The world can be a chaotic place, but people can still see through the chaos to find the beauty out there.  And what a beautiful place it is.

Remember you are you.  You have no rhyme or reason to change.  That is why you are loved.

Ok so you're having a bad day.  Doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you.  The world we live in has a lot of flaws.

I'm sure I was born to worry.  I've always got something to worry about.  Even if I haven't got anything to worry about, I worry that I should be worrying about something!!  It gets you nowhere in life.  And the things I worry about, well, they aren't even worries!

Once you have mastered the psychological battle you are half way there.  The greatest battle isn't physical at all.  Courage.  We all suffer.  Keep going.

I relate the above to unnecessary worrying.  Worry about it if/when it happens.  The worst time is when you can't sleep, worries seem a hundred times worse.  Try relaxation techniques, soothing music, and STOP WORRYING!

Some things happen in life which are inevitable and out of our control.  These things make us unhappy.  What we need to do is look for things that can be changed for the better, making them the best!

Don't let the negative thoughts and self doubt you have in your head keep you from loving the real one right in front of you.  

Always look on the bright side of life.  Get rid of that negativeness.  You never know, it may even bring a smile to your face!

The first thing you must do is have belief in yourself.  Only you can do this.  You have to believe the person that you are and that there is a special something inside you greater than any obstacle.

Positive Mental Attitude.  If you tell yourself the above, that is more than half the battle.  Believe in yourself, then you will be able to do anything together.

Some people spend half their lives worrying about what others think and it changes their personality, they can't fully be themselves.  Once they have got rid of this complex, yoy will be able to relax more and once again be yourself.

Forget about what others may or may not be saying about you.  I've spent half my life with a complex and it eats away at you.  It's not worth it.  They're not worth it.  You're a thousand of them.  You remember that.

The above is a lovely sentiment.  If i received a letter, or just a piece of paper with that written on,  It would make my day.  Some people are too reserved in showing their love for others.  Try it and see how happy and special you make the other person feel.  It doesn't have to be a weekend to Paris.  The small touches are enough.  You never know, it may even make you smile!!

Say this in the morning before you go to work or your partner does, even your children, or whoever you live with.  It's 4 words that start the day with Positive Mental Attitude!! Try it.

Do the above four and you will be on cloud nine.  Who cares if anybody is watching you!?  It will make you happy and you will be living life to the full!!

Try and forget the hurt you had in the past.  Nobody likes to remember hurt, it can be like re-opening an old wound.  BUT, never forget what it taught you as it has been a part of the journey of your life that has moulded you into the person you are today.

Start doing the things you love in life. Stop over-analyzing everything.  Life is simple.  Open your mind to new things.  Stop looking for the love of your life as they will be waiting for you when you start doing the things you love.  Travel often.  Even getting lost will help you find yourself.
Life is short.  Live your dream and wear your passion.

All you want to hear at the end of a bad day is someone say 'Bad day? Here, I'll fix it'.  Later on you'll be thinking 'What bad day?!'.

If we did all the above that ended with 'less' life would be so less complicated, stressfull and easier.  There would be less worries and more happiness.  So come on, spread a little happiness!!

Be positive about yourself.  Get rid of all negative thoughts.  You are not a number, an item or an object.  Build yourself up-that's what you deserve.  You are beautiful because you are unique.
You are given only 1 body and 1 life.  Please love it.

The good things that have happened to us in our lives are invisible to the eye now but are always felt by the heart.  When you are having a bad day, remember some of these memories, it may just bring a smile to your face.  

We have already touched on this, but this shows what beauty there is in this world.  Who would believe a caterpillar could turn into a beautiful butterfly?  When you're feeling low, remember you are beautiful on the inside and outside.

Why blame your circumstances on fate, bad luck or bad choices.  Fight back.  This world isn't always fair.  For most of it you get what you give.  The rest of your life is being shaped right now with the dreams you chase, the choices you make and the person you decide to be.  The rest of your life is a long time and it starts right now!

I believe things happen for a reason in life and if it is meant to be, it will be.

There is no such word as 'can't'.  The more you use the word 'can' in your vocabulary you will discover the person you thought you were is no match for the one you really are.

I've been told, more or less, i'm not good enough in the past.  At the time it hurts.  Of course it hurts.  You feel worthless.  But i'm a stronger person in that respect now.  Normally people who say things like that are jealous for some reason.  But remember, the moment they utter those words is the moment you're better than them.

Look at the above list and remember the 'upsides' to life.  Forget all the 'downsides'.  Why don't you make your own list and see if any of yours compare.

Live with the above three statements in your life and you will get rid of a lot of negativeness.  Just hearing the words Beautifully/Passionately/Completely sounds positive!

You can't accomplish something unless you try first.

If we spend our life making mistakes instead of doing 'nothing', not only is it more honorable and useful, it has taught us where we have been going wrong, directed us to the 'right' path and moulded us into the person we are today.

Everybody with mental health problems needs somebody to tell them the above.  They need someone to confide in about anything.  Whether it be a family member/friend/Dr.

It's not something that can be bought.  Everybody on this earth has a right to live a beautiful life.  Whatever their circumstances.

So many people think they are lacking in something, which holds them back in life, whether it be confidence, looks, personality the list is endless.  When really you should be proud with who you are and once you think this, most, or all i would imagine, of the list I have just quoted isn't true.

This is like the 'footsteps' poem.  All you want to know and hear is that there is somebody out there for you should you need them if you are in a dark place.

The less insecure, and more confident you become about yourself, the more you will love yourself.  You owe it to yourself to love yourself, because you are 'special'.

Never change who you are.  Leave in the flaws and warts that's what makes you special and unique and stand out.  That's what makes you you.

Never compare your life to others.  Thinking 'I wish I was more like them' or 'Why are they so happy, it's not fair'.  You have no idea what their journey is all about.  They could very well be suffering more than you are, but handle it differently.

Stay strong in life.  Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect.

I would relate the above statement to somebody who has just split up from their partner.  And it is true.  There are so many people out there looking for what you are looking for.  You will find them, even when when you're not even looking and least expect it!

The above to me is all about keeping motivated and active, taking your mind off any negative things.  If your on the go and you are making your brain tick, the more positive you will become.

Another statement from somebody saying they will be by their side so they don't have to face all their problems alone.  Remember somebody to confide in is important.

A lot of people don't know their mental strength until they are put into a situation where being strong is the only choice they have.  This can include 'physical' strength as well.

Don't let the world change you and make you hard.  Be soft.  Do not let the pain make you hate.  Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness.  Even though everybody else may disagree, take pride, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.

Another butterfly quote, but a different perspective.  If you chase it it will fly away.  The second you turn your attention to other things it will come and softly sit on your shoulder.  This can be said for love, happiness, self doubt seeking a partner.

Everybody daydreams.  Everybody had dreams when they were younger about their future.  Well, may these dreams become the reality of your future.

If we all dwelled on the past we wouldn't be looking forward to the future.  Of course mistakes will be made, but we will learn from these.  We need to learn, let go and move on.

Don't pretend to be anybody apart from yourself in life.  You are you.  You are wonderful!

Nothing can be changed, we can't go in a time machine to try and change the hurt feelings or mend the broken hearts.
All we can do is learn from our mistakes and hope we will never regret anything as much as we do now.  Remember our mistakes can change who we are for the better and mould us into a better person.

We spent too much time magnifying our disappointments in life, forgetting all we have achieved.
If we magnified our successes as much we would all be much happier.

The nice people in life do tend to get the bad luck as the above quote shows, but I do believe they are rewarded eventually.  I mean this from a mental health point of view.  They seem to be short-changed in life, but again a little P.M.A. and closeness with somebody they can confide in, they will soon learn it is not just them.

As the song says, everybody is beautiful, and they are.  Too many people beat themselves up thinking they don't conform to what is accepted as beautiful.  I blame that on peer pressure.

Don't be put off by the rain and get all gloomy wishing it was sunny.  Go out in the rain and dance. Forget there is no sun.  You can be happy in all kinds of situations when you think you should be gloomy!


Sometimes we can just either go off on a tangent or want to discover 'new' things.  This is a positive thing.

We can't always have everything the way we want it, as life doesn't always turn out the way we want.  It does turn out the way it is supposed to though.  Sometimes we just have to accept that and be happy for what we have in our lives and how our life has panned out.

Sometimes things that have been broken can't be fixed and be as good as the once were.  Why not create something new from scratch which is even better than before!

Think of our imperfections as beauty.  It is part of what and who we are.  It is what makes us unique.  It doesn't make us strange/weird, it just makes us 'us'.  If we didn't have these flaws and lived life very plain, wouldn't it be boring!!

Everybody goes through their own journey in life.  We all have our problems and some will choose to make them visible to others and share them, others will not, and seem as though they are ok.  Nobody knows the next person's journey and nobody is perfect nor deserves to be.
Remember not to judge the next person as you don't know their journey and may be fighting their own war.

Get rid of the all the negativeness you may be feeling about yourself, the self doubt and the feeling that you are not good enough.  Believe it or not, you are enough, you've got to start trying to tell yourself that!

You have two choices; focusing on what tears you apart in life or what is holding you together.  The positive answer is the latter as you can build on it and it may even reduce some of those things that are tearing you apart.

Life is a beautiful thing.  All of us who were given the gift of life have been given something special and beautiful.  Focus on the positive things in your life when your mood is low, things we may take for granted.

We all have good days, like we all have bad days.  The bad days can make us feel like we want to turn around and call it quits, giving up.
Then is not the time to give up.  It's the perfect opportunity to prove your worth and show the world what your'e made of and that you are stronger than you ever believed.

Don't let your problems win the race of life.  Let your dreams overtake and win that race for you.

Life is like a sad book.  You may be half way through it and it may be upsetting, but remember there is the rest of the book to read and this is not the end of the story.  So just turn over to the next page.  Most stories have good endings.  You are not alone.

Take a chance in life and be spontanious.  You might just be surprised at the result and the way it has made you feel!

Don't ever under-estimate yourself.  You may dream the dream, but anything is possible if you put you mind to it.  Why not live the dream.

However bad you may be feeling, it won't always be like that.  Have faith.  It does get better.


Life isn't a play or film, there isn't a dress rehearsal, you only get one chance at it.  It is always better to hope for the best, but expect the worst because when good things do happen, there will be no disappointment.

Don't give up thinking you have got so far yet to go, look at and realise how far you have got already and achieved.

Being courageous is not a sign of being unafraid.  It is a sign of us facing our fears and telling the world 'I have fallen, but I will get up.'

Don't ever look at yourself and think you are a failure.  Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes.  Look at yourself and think of all the positive things you have achieved and remember that.  This will take you forward.  If you dwell on your failures, it will hold you back.

People think there is a pressure put on them in life to be perfect.  Nobody is perfect.  Nobody will ever be fully perfect.  Just remember that the journey of love is louder and stronger than this pressure.

Don't ever give up, even if you think the world believes you should.  When that little voice of hope whispers 'try it one more time', go for your goal, more determined and more positive.

In life, we all need to experience what it is like to have a good fall to make us realise where we actually stand. 

The above speaks for itself.  Always believe in dreaming and dream of believing.

Don't ever underestimate yourself, especially about how other people look at you and perceive you.  Don't sell yourself short as there are people out there who think more of you than you actually give yourself credit for.

Whatever this world throws at you, keep :-
  • Hoping
  • Comforting
  • Dreaming
  • Believing
Don't let the negative things on this earth change the way we think or behave.

There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep late at night, and something on our minds turns into a major problem.  We find ourselves tossing and turning and this little thing we were thinking about is now a huge problem. We are our own worst enemies.  The next day that thing you were worrying so much about returns to something minute niggling on our minds.

  • Chase your goals or you'll never get them.
  • Always ask otherwise the answer will never be yes.
  • Move forward in life otherwise you will never move on and will stay in the same spot.
Never dwell and think about the things that hurt you in the past, this will bring back negativity.  But, always remember what the experiences taught you.  They made you a stronger person, and moulded you into the person you are today.

It is only when we find ourselves lost in life that we can actually begin to find ourselves.

Never give up on the things you really want to do, where there is love and inspiration.  You can not go wrong.

The above really speaks for itself.  You are just as important as the next person; nothing gets in the way, not wealth, sex or race.  We are all equal.

Always look forward and don't dwell on yesterday or even today.  If it is raining today, but the forecast says it will be sunny tomorrow, look forward to that.  We are all guilty of feeling glum when the weather isn't nice.  It matters that we look forward in life.

Never judge a person for just one reason.  A person is made up of many qualities.  You may have just caught them on a bad day.  And we all have those.  Remember, a coin has two sides!

We are all loved.  We all have reasons why certain people love us.  And because of these reasons, these are the things that makes us strong.

In life we tend to remember the negative things and forget the positive things, when it should be the other way round.  It is the good things that brings a smile to our face and makes us look forward to the future.

We all have a spark in us.  It may be harder to find in some more than others, but we need to ignite the light so we can shine, as it should be.

We must all enjoy the present, every single moment because we will never get another one quite like it.  If we should ever find ourselves lost, don't despair, simply take a breath and start over.
Retrace your steps and go bact to the purest place in your heart where there is hope.  You will soon find your way again, step by step.  You might not get there straight away, but you will get there.

Never forget, you are :-
  • Braver than you believe.
  • Stronger than you seem.
  • Smarter than you think.
  • Twice as beautiful as you'd ever imagined.
Never forget the above, as it will help you move forward.

Rainbows are one of lifes beautiful creations, but remember, it needs to rain first before one is created!  Just like we sometimes need to experience a little pain before we can find happiness.  It's lifes journey.

Remember, the smallest things and actions in life can mean the most and even change someones life.  This includes words.  A simple 'hello, how are you?' from a neighbour can make you smile.  'I love you.' can certainly make you happy and change the way you feel inside.  Even getting talking to a stranger on a train can make your day.  They may be feeling just like you are, but disguise it better.

In life a lot of people can be two-faced.  They can seem very nice to your face, but behind your back, well that's a different story.  A lot of people in life eventually realise who these people are, and they are not worth it.  The people who do not talk about you behind your back are those that are special and will stay in your life.

Life is like a book, if you don't like the part of the book you are reading, don't close it and give up on it, simply turn the page.  The next page will have moved on and may make for better reading.

  • Always go for your goal.
  • Always ask if you have a question.
  • Always step forward, not staying in the same place.

If you spend your life worrying about yesterday, how can you enjoy today and have a better tomorrow?  Yesterday has gone and whatever happened, it can't be changed.  Look forward.

Always believe in yourself that you can.  That's half the battle.  Then you will find you are half way there!

Don't ever underestimate how strong you actually are.  Sometimes it takes a fall to realise this.

Don't ever give up on yourself.  More people around you will empathise than you realise.  The feeling will pass, the tears will dry and your heart will heal itself.

Don't ever look at someone and judge them on appearances.  You may only know their name, but you certainly don't know their life story.  They may be suffering as much or more than you inside, but show it differently.

Everyone in life has a battle to fight.  To be rid of past mistakes, living in the present whilst creating their future. No one's life is perfect.

We learn by our past mistakes, experiences and negative times which makes the future even more worth looking forward to.

Most peoples problems seem worse at night when we are lying in bed, can't sleep, tossing and turning and our brain starts doing overtime.  We seem to make a mountain out of a molehill.  When we wake up in the morning we think to ourselves 'why was I worrying about that?'  On many occasions, it's not even a problem, we just blow something out of all proportion at that time of night.

Everyone in life has a battle to fight at some point, nobody's lives are perfect.  Just remember to be kind and treat people how you would like to be treated yourself.

When things start to become chaotic and hectic in your life, try to keep an inner calmness.

I won't go through the whole list, but after reading it, you get the jist.  A list of instructions we should all carry out.  It would make the world a happier place and it would make people happier inside too.

Life should be like a swimming pool.  Be fearless and instead of testing the water, dive straight into life and don't be afraid to make a splash!  Life isn't a dress rehearsal, you only get one stab at it.

To be beautiful in life, you need to have known defeat, suffering, struggle, loss & found your way out of depths.  It gives them an appreciation, sensitivity & understanding of life giving them compassion, gentleness & a deep loving concern.  Beautiful people do not just 'happen.'
Use the above rules in life and you see how your opinion and attitude towards life changes for the better.  There is only 25 of them, but they are very wise indeed!!

The  only person that can allow you to feel 'inferior' to other people is yourself.

There is no such thing as 'I can't!'  Don't let others tell you otherwise.

Strength can and will get you through the lowest periods in your life.  A lot of the time you find an inner strength that you didn't even know you had.

As I said, all the above quotes don't necessarily relate directly to Bipolar/Depression.  A lot of them can do if you study them deeply.  They can relate to anybody in life.  But what they do do is bring a sense of Positive Mental Attitude to you making you realise :

  • You are not alone in your suffering.
  • Most of the time your problems aren't as bad as you think they are.
  • You were put on this earth for a reason and have just as much right to be here than anyone else.
  • You are beautiful.
  • There are people that care about you.
  • You should not worry about yesterday.  It puts a dampener on today and spoils tomorrow.
  • You can get through anything if you put your mind to it.  
  • You have more mental strength than you realise.
I hope this Blog has been of interest to you.  It's been of interest to me reading each quote as I go along.  

If you can start to understand these quotes, even just a few to begin with, and act on them, then you are starting to get there.  Remember doing this is half the battle!!

I would like to thank the Facebook page Defeat Depression where I shared the quotes from, as I thought they were so apt. to so many people, especially those with mental health problems, as they're all about acceptance/loving yourself/don't give up at the next hurdle/realise how far you have actually come and don't look back.  Although most people can relate to them at some point.

Well here is Blog6.  Sorry it took longer than usual to post, but the Blog was bigger than usual.  I do hope reading the quotes does inspire you.  When I was reading each one, I found myself getting inspired, and even changing the way I thought about myself.
Don't forget you can always get hold of me via the following.
Until the next Blog, take care friends.

Deano :-)

1 comment:

  1. wow!! I love this one. Good for you for getting out. That is difficult for me too. Lately I have been struggling with agitation. my meds may need adjusted. That is all part of this illness. Also I go to a dialectical behavioral therapy class EVERY week which is difficult for me to accomplish but that class has helped me so much with my relationships. It teaches skills to use to be more effective with getting what you want in your relationships. Anyhow have a good one and i will stop back soon.
